City Network Analysis Framework

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Welcome to JIZNA

JIZNA is a Python framework for analyzing the complexity of cities based on the dual graphs of their road networks. The platform provides an experimental framework that aims to validate a search complexity model. The search complexity model attempts to predict the difficulty of searching a city based on the city's network properties.

JIZNA contains tools for the following:

  • Parsing and creation of object representations of openstreetmaps XML dumps.
  • Removal of outliers - regions that fall outside a city's geographical coordinates.
  • Algorithmic merging of disjointed roads in openstreetmap XML dumps.
  • Creation of dual graphs of city road networks.
  • Calculation of various metrics based on structural network characteristics.

Clone the repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/abdulapopoola/JIZNA.git

What does JIZNA mean?

No, this is not related to the Czech city Jizna in any way.

The name was created from the initials of the lecturers and researchers who contributed to the development of the theoretical model and software platform.

Note: The ordering of the names is of no particular significance.

What can I use JIZNA for?

JIZNA can serve a variety of purposes including but not limited to the following:

  • The identification of potential trouble spots in cities.
  • Modelling city plans and resource distributions.
  • Predicting city complexity based comparisons to existing city models.
  • Merging fragmented road sections in maps.


JIZNA was built as part of the requirements for my MSc thesis at MASDAR. Check out the MASDAR Computing program if you're interested in doing exciting stuff.

Authors and Contributors

JIZNA is currently maintained by @abdulapopoola. However, feel free to pull the repo and send in updates!

Support or Contact

Having trouble with JIZNA? Check out the documentation at https://github.com/abdulapopoola/JIZNA/tree/master/doc or send me an email: abdulapopoola@yahoo.com. I'll help fix it.